Philantech® for Workplace Giving

The Givinga Charitable Savings Account™

Whether your company is just beginning to incorporate philanthropy or you are an active enterprise with complex giving strategies, Givinga can design and administer a customized strategic solution. The Givinga Charitable Savings Account™ (CSA) was designed with the company in mind. It’s the engine that enables all giving activities, from corporate giving to directly supporting employees—without losing control of company assets. It allows the company to control the confidentiality and visibility of every giving activity.

Employees receive a financial wellness benefit that is portable, payroll-deductible, and tax-smart while your company gains visibility into all giving activities enabling you to measure and project impact and drive your brand forward. Giving strategically is an investment in your community, your employees, and, ultimately, your company. Financial technology allows you to measure your return on that investment and incorporate philanthropy efficiently into your organization. 

See it in Action!