Solutions/For Foundations and Nonprofits

Uplifting foundations and NPOs that go above and beyond.

Three staff members reviewing tablet while standing

An all-in-one platform to help realize your foundation's true potential.

Philantech® for foundations
and nonprofits highlights.

Empower Donors

by making giving easy and enjoyable through our full-service white-label platform or by leveraging our powerful API tools.

Foundation integration

allows you to seamlessly connect our technology to your existing NPO or Foundation.

Flexible payment options

for donors support one time donations, monthly recurring payments and online account balances and apps for your donors.

Admin Portal

puts all capabilities, custom reporting, insights, and tech tools at your fingertips in a single, easy-to-use platform. 


offer a structured way to support specific cause areas or respond to real-time fundraising needs as a team or community, directed by you.

Modern giving is here to stay.

Givinga is here to help.